A slide show of small quilt experiments

I have kept my nose to the grindstone this past year, exploring the world of piecing, stitching, quilting, improv!  Here are some of the small pieces I’ve made to see “what would happen if….”, to try out some new tricks, colors, and attitudes, to have some fun, to think about presentation. This slide show is their first “public” outing, and I am looking forward to seeing which ones still interest me after their long hibernation!…

I will make a second slideshow for BIG, once the wind dies down and I can photograph the larger pieces outside.

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3 Responses to “A slide show of small quilt experiments”

  1. Mimi Greer Says:

    I love these quilts, Betsy!

  2. Betsy Lahaussois Says:

    MIMI! nice to hear from you…how are you doing? XX

  3. Betsy Lahaussois Says:

    PS. I DON”T APPROVE OF WORD PRESS”S advertising on my blog!!!!!

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